1.Package Management on Red hat Linux
1.1 Yellowdog Updater Modified (Yum)
• Options Available with Yum
option description
search Allows you to search for packages available for download
list Lists all the packages available for download
install Installs a package or packages
check-update Lists packages available for update
update Updates the package specified or downloads and installs any available updates
remove Removes a package or packages from your host
info Provides package information about a package
provides Tells you what package a particular file or feature belongs to
list updates Lists all the packages with updates available only
list available Lists all the available packages only
localinstall Installs a locally downloaded RPM package
clean all Cleans up downloaded package files that are no longer needed
1.2 Configuring Yum
Yum has its configuration files stored under /etc/yum.conf and /etc/yum.repos.d/, and it stores state files in the directories /var/lib/yum and /var/cache/yum.
You will not normally need to make changes to the default /etc/yum.conf. An example of when you might want to change configuration is to add a proxy server that Yum should use when downloading packages. The defaults will generally suit most environments. A full list of the available configuration settings for Yum is available through the yum.conf man page.
$man yum.conf
The files defining what repositories are available to Yum are contained in the /etc/yum.repo.d directory. Let’s look at a generic repository file:
option description
[repo-id] The repo_id is the unique name for the repository.
name The name is a description of the repository.
baseurl The baseurl is the URL to the repository. This is generally an HTTP URL, much like
you would use in a web browser.
enabled You can enable or disable the package by specifying 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled.
gpgcheck This option tells Yum to check the GPG keys used to “sign” packages so that you can
be sure the package hasn’t been tampered with. Specifying 0 turns off checking and
1 indicates checking is on.
gpgkey This is the URL where Yum should find the repository’s GPG key.
1.3 Red Hat Package Management (RPM)
• Options Available with rpm
options and Flags description
-q|--query Allows you to query the RPM database and find information about installed
packages on your host
-i|--install Installs a local package on your host
-e|--erase Removes a package from your host
-U|--upgrade Upgrades an existing package or installs a package on your host if it is not
already installed
-F|--freshen Upgrades a package only if an earlier version is installed
-V|--verify Verifies an installed package
#rpm --query --all
This command, which uses the --query flag together with the --all flag, indicating that you are querying all packages, lists all the packages installed.
1.4 Compiling from Source
• Configure
$ ./configure
• Compile and Make
# make
• Install
$ sudo make install
• Uninstall
$sudo make uninstall