使用instantclient_11_2 和PL/SQL Developer工具包连接oracle 11g远程数据库
1,先到Oracle网站下载Instant Client
根据你的操作系统选择不同的Instant Client版本下载回是一个压缩文件,解压之后的文件夹叫:D:\instantclient_11_2.放在你喜欢的目录即可.例如:D:\instantclient_11_2
如果不清楚远程数据库的ORACLE 语言,可以ssh或者telnet到远程机器,在命令界面输入,用命令行连接到数据库。
select userenv('language') from dual;
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6、关闭PL/SQL Developer,重起Developer.
主机名就会出现在PL/SQL Developer的列表里,输入用户名密码,就可以登录远程oracle 11g数据库了。
Expert Oracle Database Architecture读书笔记之Setting Up Environment
Setting Up login File
SQL*Plus allows us to setup a login.sql file, a script that is executed each and every time we
start SQL*Plus. Further, it allows us to set an environment variable, SQLPATH, so that it can find this
login.sql script, no matter what directory it is in.
define _editor=vi
set serveroutput on size 1000000
set trimspool on
set long 5000
set linesize 100
set pagesize 9999
column plan_plus_exp format a80
column global_name new_value gname
set termout off
define gname=idle
column global_name new_value gname
select lower(user) || '@' || substr( global_name, 1, decode( dot, 0, length(global_name),
dot-1) ) global_name
from (select global_name, instr(global_name,'.') dot from global_name );
set sqlprompt '&gname> '
set termout on
Setting up Autotrace in SQL*Plus
Initial Setup
This is what I like to do to get AUTOTRACE working:
• cd [ORACLE_HOME]/rdbms/admin
• log into SQL*Plus as SYSTEM
• run @utlxplan
You can replace the GRANT TO PUBLIC with some user if you want. By making it public, you let anyone trace using SQL*Plus (not a bad thing, in my opinion). This prevents every user from having to install their own plan table. The alternative is for you to run @utlxplan in every schema from which you want to use AUTOTRACE.
The next step is creating and granting the PLUSTRACE role:
• cd [ORACLE_HOME]/sqlplus/admin
• log into SQL*Plus as SYS or AS SYSDBA
• run @plustrce
Again, you can replace PUBLIC in the GRANT command with some user if you want.
Controlling the Report
• SET AUTOTRACE OFF - No AUTOTRACE report is generated. This is the default.
• SET AUTOTRACE ON EXPLAIN - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the optimizer execution path.
• SET AUTOTRACE ON STATISTICS - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the SQL statement execution statistics.
• SET AUTOTRACE ON - The AUTOTRACE report includes both the optimizer execution path and the
SQL statement execution statistics.
• SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY - Like SET AUTOTRACE ON, but suppresses the printing of the user's query output, if any.
1、DB Block Gets(当前请求的块数目)
2、Consistent Gets(数据请求总数在回滚段Buffer中的数据一致性读所需要的数据块)
3、Physical Reads(物理读)
1、 在数据库高速缓存中不存在这些块
2、 全表扫描
3、 磁盘排序
逻辑读指的是Oracle从内存读到的数据块数量。一般来说是'consistent gets' + 'db block gets'。当在内存中找不到所需的数据块的话就需要从磁盘中获取,于是就产生了'phsical reads'。
Explain plan
An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle.
Query processing can be divided into 7 phases:
[1] Syntactic - checks the syntax of the query
[2] Semantic - checks that all objects exist and are accessible
[3] View Merging - rewrites query as join on base tables as opposed to using views
[4] Statement Transformation - rewrites query transforming some complex constructs into simpler ones
where appropriate (e.g. subquery unnesting, in/or transformation)
[5] Optimization - determines the optimal access path for the query to take. With the Rule Based
Optimizer (RBO) it uses a set of heuristics to determine access path. With the Cost Based
Optimizer (CBO) we use statistics to analyze the relative costs of accessing objects.
[6] QEP Generation
[7] QEP Execution
(QEP = Query Evaluation Plan)
Steps [1]-[6] are handled by the parser.
Step [7] is the execution of the statement.
Explain Plan一般按缩进长度来判断,缩进最大的最先执行,如果有2行缩进一样,那么就先执行上面的。
1、DB Block Gets(当前请求的块数目)
2、Consistent Gets(数据请求总数在回滚段Buffer中的数据一致性读所需要的数据块)
3、Physical Reads(物理读)
1、 在数据库高速缓存中不存在这些块
2、 全表扫描
3、 磁盘排序
逻辑读指的是Oracle从内存读到的数据块数量。一般来说是'consistent gets' + 'db block gets'。当在内存中找不到所需的数据块的话就需要从磁盘中获取,于是就产生了'phsical reads'。
Explain plan
An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle.
Query processing can be divided into 7 phases:
[1] Syntactic - checks the syntax of the query
[2] Semantic - checks that all objects exist and are accessible
[3] View Merging - rewrites query as join on base tables as opposed to using views
[4] Statement Transformation - rewrites query transforming some complex constructs into simpler ones
where appropriate (e.g. subquery unnesting, in/or transformation)
[5] Optimization - determines the optimal access path for the query to take. With the Rule Based
Optimizer (RBO) it uses a set of heuristics to determine access path. With the Cost Based
Optimizer (CBO) we use statistics to analyze the relative costs of accessing objects.
[6] QEP Generation
[7] QEP Execution
(QEP = Query Evaluation Plan)
Steps [1]-[6] are handled by the parser.
Step [7] is the execution of the statement.
Explain Plan一般按缩进长度来判断,缩进最大的最先执行,如果有2行缩进一样,那么就先执行上面的。
Operation | Option | Description |
AND-EQUAL | . | Operation accepting multiple sets of rowids, returning the intersection of the sets, eliminating duplicates. Used for the single-column indexes access path. |
BITMAP | CONVERSION | TO ROWIDS converts bitmap representations to actual rowids that can be used to access the table. FROM ROWIDS converts the rowids to a bitmap representation. COUNT returns the number of rowids if the actual values are not needed. |
BITMAP | INDEX | SINGLE VALUE looks up the bitmap for a single key value in the index. RANGE SCAN retrieves bitmaps for a key value range. FULL SCAN performs a full scan of a bitmap index if there is no start or stop key. |
BITMAP | MERGE | Merges several bitmaps resulting from a range scan into one bitmap. |
BITMAP | MINUS | Subtracts bits of one bitmap from another. Row source is used for negated predicates. Can be used only if there are nonnegated predicates yielding a bitmap from which the subtraction can take place. An example appears in "Viewing Bitmap Indexes with EXPLAIN PLAN". |
BITMAP | OR | Computes the bitwise OR of two bitmaps. |
BITMAP | AND | Computes the bitwise AND of two bitmaps. |
BITMAP | KEY ITERATION | Takes each row from a table row source and finds the corresponding bitmap from a bitmap index. This set of bitmaps are then merged into one bitmap in a following BITMAP MERGE operation. |
CONNECT BY | . | Retrieves rows in hierarchical order for a query containing a CONNECT BY clause. |
CONCATENATION | . | Operation accepting multiple sets of rows returning the union-all of the sets. |
COUNT | . | Operation counting the number of rows selected from a table. |
COUNT | STOPKEY | Count operation where the number of rows returned is limited by the ROWNUM expression in the WHERE clause. |
DOMAIN INDEX | . | Retrieval of one or more rowids from a domain index. The options column contain information supplied by a user-defined domain index cost function, if any. |
FILTER | . | Operation accepting a set of rows, eliminates some of them, and returns the rest. |
FIRST ROW | . | Retrieval of only the first row selected by a query. |
FOR UPDATE | . | Operation retrieving and locking the rows selected by a query containing a FOR UPDATE clause. |
HASH | GROUP BY | Operation hashing a set of rows into groups for a query with a GROUP BY clause. |
HASH JOIN (These are join operations.) | . | Operation joining two sets of rows and returning the result. This join method is useful for joining large data sets of data (DSS, Batch). The join condition is an efficient way of accessing the second table. Query optimizer uses the smaller of the two tables/data sources to build a hash table on the join key in memory. Then it scans the larger table, probing the hash table to find the joined rows. |
HASH JOIN | ANTI | Hash (left) antijoin |
HASH JOIN | SEMI | Hash (left) semijoin |
HASH JOIN | RIGHT ANTI | Hash right antijoin |
HASH JOIN | RIGHT SEMI | Hash right semijoin |
HASH JOIN | OUTER | Hash (left) outer join |
HASH JOIN | RIGHT OUTER | Hash right outer join |
INDEX (These are access methods.) | UNIQUE SCAN | Retrieval of a single rowid from an index. |
INDEX | RANGE SCAN | Retrieval of one or more rowids from an index. Indexed values are scanned in ascending order. |
INDEX | RANGE SCAN DESCENDING | Retrieval of one or more rowids from an index. Indexed values are scanned in descending order. |
INDEX | FULL SCAN | Retrieval of all rowids from an index when there is no start or stop key. Indexed values are scanned in ascending order. |
INDEX | FULL SCAN DESCENDING | Retrieval of all rowids from an index when there is no start or stop key. Indexed values are scanned in descending order. |
INDEX | FAST FULL SCAN | Retrieval of all rowids (and column values) using multiblock reads. No sorting order can be defined. Compares to a full table scan on only the indexed columns. Only available with the cost based optimizer. |
INDEX | SKIP SCAN | Retrieval of rowids from a concatenated index without using the leading column(s) in the index. Introduced in Oracle9i. Only available with the cost based optimizer. |
INLIST ITERATOR | . | Iterates over the next operation in the plan for each value in the IN-list predicate. |
INTERSECTION | . | Operation accepting two sets of rows and returning the intersection of the sets, eliminating duplicates. |
MERGE JOIN (These are join operations.) | . | Operation accepting two sets of rows, each sorted by a specific value, combining each row from one set with the matching rows from the other, and returning the result. |
MERGE JOIN | OUTER | Merge join operation to perform an outer join statement. |
MERGE JOIN | ANTI | Merge antijoin. |
MERGE JOIN | SEMI | Merge semijoin. |
MERGE JOIN | CARTESIAN | Can result from 1 or more of the tables not having any join conditions to any other tables in the statement. Can occur even with a join and it may not be flagged as CARTESIAN in the plan. |
CONNECT BY | . | Retrieval of rows in hierarchical order for a query containing a CONNECT BY clause. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS (These are access methods.) | FULL | Retrieval of all rows from a materialized view. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | SAMPLE | Retrieval of sampled rows from a materialized view. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | CLUSTER | Retrieval of rows from a materialized view based on a value of an indexed cluster key. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | HASH | Retrieval of rows from materialized view based on hash cluster key value. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | BY ROWID RANGE | Retrieval of rows from a materialized view based on a rowid range. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | SAMPLE BY ROWID RANGE | Retrieval of sampled rows from a materialized view based on a rowid range. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | BY USER ROWID | If the materialized view rows are located using user-supplied rowids. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | BY INDEX ROWID | If the materialized view is nonpartitioned and rows are located using index(es). |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID | If the materialized view is partitioned and rows are located using only global indexes. |
MAT_VIEW REWITE ACCESS | BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | If the materialized view is partitioned and rows are located using one or more local indexes and possibly some global indexes. Partition Boundaries: The partition boundaries might have been computed by: A previous PARTITION step, in which case the PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP column values replicate the values present in the PARTITION step, and the PARTITION_ID contains the ID of the PARTITION step. Possible values forPARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP are NUMBER(n), KEY, INVALID. The MAT_VIEW REWRITE ACCESS or INDEX step itself, in which case the PARTITION_ID contains the ID of the step. Possible values for PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP are NUMBER(n), KEY, ROW REMOVE_LOCATION (MAT_VIEW REWRITEACCESS only), and INVALID. |
MINUS | . | Operation accepting two sets of rows and returning rows appearing in the first set but not in the second, eliminating duplicates. |
NESTED LOOPS (These are join operations.) | . | Operation accepting two sets of rows, an outer set and an inner set. Oracle compares each row of the outer set with each row of the inner set, returning rows that satisfy a condition. This join method is useful for joining small subsets of data (OLTP). The join condition is an efficient way of accessing the second table. |
NESTED LOOPS | OUTER | Nested loops operation to perform an outer join statement. |
PARTITION | . | Iterates over the next operation in the plan for each partition in the range given by the PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP columns. PARTITION describes partition boundaries applicable to a single partitioned object (table or index) or to a set of equi-partitioned objects (a partitioned table and its local indexes). The partition boundaries are provided by the values of PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP of the PARTITION. Refer to Table 19-1 for valid values of partition start/stop. |
PARTITION | SINGLE | Access one partition. |
PARTITION | ITERATOR | Access many partitions (a subset). |
PARTITION | ALL | Access all partitions. |
PARTITION | INLIST | Similar to iterator, but based on an IN-list predicate. |
PARTITION | INVALID | Indicates that the partition set to be accessed is empty. |
PX ITERATOR | BLOCK,CHUNK | Implements the division of an object into block or chunk ranges among a set of parallel slaves |
PXCOORDINATOR | . | Implements the Query Coordinator which controls, schedules, and executes the parallel plan below it using parallel query slaves. It also represents a serialization point, as the end of the part of the plan executed in parallel and always has aPX SEND QC operation below it. |
PX PARTITION | . | Same semantics as the regular PARTITION operation except that it appears in a parallel plan |
PX RECEIVE | . | Shows the consumer/receiver slave node reading repartitioned data from a send/producer (QC or slave) executing on a PX SEND node. This information was formerly displayed into the DISTRIBUTION column. See Table 19-2. |
PX SEND | QC(RANDOM), HASH, RANGE | Implements the distribution method taking place between two parallel set of slaves. Shows the boundary between two slave sets and how data is repartitioned on the send/producer side (QC or side. This information was formerly displayed into the DISTRIBUTION column. See Table 19-2. |
REMOTE | . | Retrieval of data from a remote database. |
SEQUENCE | . | Operation involving accessing values of a sequence. |
SORT | AGGREGATE | Retrieval of a single row that is the result of applying a group function to a group of selected rows. |
SORT | UNIQUE | Operation sorting a set of rows to eliminate duplicates. |
SORT | GROUP BY | Operation sorting a set of rows into groups for a query with a GROUP BY clause. |
SORT | JOIN | Operation sorting a set of rows before a merge-join. |
SORT | ORDER BY | Operation sorting a set of rows for a query with an ORDER BY clause. |
TABLE ACCESS (These are access methods.) | FULL | Retrieval of all rows from a table. |
TABLE ACCESS | SAMPLE | Retrieval of sampled rows from a table. |
TABLE ACCESS | CLUSTER | Retrieval of rows from a table based on a value of an indexed cluster key. |
TABLE ACCESS | HASH | Retrieval of rows from table based on hash cluster key value. |
TABLE ACCESS | BY ROWID RANGE | Retrieval of rows from a table based on a rowid range. |
TABLE ACCESS | SAMPLE BY ROWID RANGE | Retrieval of sampled rows from a table based on a rowid range. |
TABLE ACCESS | BY USER ROWID | If the table rows are located using user-supplied rowids. |
TABLE ACCESS | BY INDEX ROWID | If the table is nonpartitioned and rows are located using index(es). |
TABLE ACCESS | BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID | If the table is partitioned and rows are located using only global indexes. |
TABLE ACCESS | BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | If the table is partitioned and rows are located using one or more local indexes and possibly some global indexes. Partition Boundaries: The partition boundaries might have been computed by: A previous PARTITION step, in which case the PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP column values replicate the values present in the PARTITION step, and the PARTITION_ID contains the ID of the PARTITION step. Possible values forPARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP are NUMBER(n), KEY, INVALID. The TABLE ACCESS or INDEX step itself, in which case the PARTITION_ID contains the ID of the step. Possible values for PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP are NUMBER(n), KEY, ROW REMOVE_LOCATION (TABLE ACCESS only), and INVALID. |
UNION | . | Operation accepting two sets of rows and returns the union of the sets, eliminating duplicates. |
VIEW | . | Operation performing a view's query and then returning the resulting rows to another operation. |
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